Wednesday 9 May 2012

Success will be Yours

When you see yourself surrounded by despair and lack of success, then understand this, that your mind is not stable and you are unsure of yourself.

Until you discard your rotten thoughts, you cannot come out of the present misery. Until you develop the confidence that you are capable of creating favourable conditions, you cannot walk the path of progress. Later on if you can do not discipline yourself, then it is quite likely that the divine spark in you starts becoming dim.

If you wish to extricate yourself from the present unpleasant situation then throw out your mental weakness and replace it with awakened self-confidence.

Do not rue or feel sorry for repeated failures. Life is long and hence ignore the failures. Start all over again and again and stride forward. Always be busy, success will be yours, if not to-day, certainly after some time. 

Do not beg for help from others, because in reality, no one has as much capacity that they can help you. Do not blame others for any difficulty --- others are not capable of causing pain to you. You yourself are your own best friend and your own worst enemy. Whatever condition ----- good or bad ---- is your own creation. Change your attitude and the next moment the hell-like fear surrounding you will vanish. 

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